Energy Audit

When there are no radical solutions to reduce the value of the electricity consumption bill, some resort to what is known as rationalizing energy consumption, which requires, before anything else, an energy audit.

An energy audit is an inspection survey, analysis of energy flows, to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without affecting the output for energy conservation in a building. For this purpose, JORDANBITS RENEWABLE ENERGY provides an energy audit service for homes, companies, factories, etc. A home energy audit is a service where the assessment of energy efficiency for all electrical appliances (Lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment) of the house for a given time period (one year or more) is evaluated using professional equipment, with the aim to suggest the best ways to improve energy efficiency in the house.

These days, smartphone and smart meters technology have enabled homeowners to perform relatively sophisticated energy audits of their own homes.

Industrial energy audits

Recently, the demand to reduce energy costs has made energy audits very important. This importance increases since spending on energy represents large expenditures for industrial and commercial companies (10 % or more).

While the concept of an industrial energy audit is like the home energy audit, industrial energy audits require a different skillset. For industrial applications, it is the HVAC, lighting, and production equipment that use the most energy, and hence are the primary focus of energy audits.

According to ASHRAE, the main issues of an audit process are:

  • The analysis of building and utility data, including study of the installed equipment and analysis of energy bills.
  • The survey of the real operating condition.
  • The understanding of the building behavior and of the interactions with weather, occupancy and operating schedules.
  • The selection and the evaluation of energy conservation measures.
  • The estimation of energy saving potential.
  • The identification of customer concerns and needs.
  • The guarantees

In general, four levels of analysis can be outlined:

  • Level 0 – Benchmarking.
  • Level I – Walk-through audit
  • Level II – Detailed/General energy audit.
  • Level III – Investment-Grade audit

JORDANBITS RENEWABLE ENERGY Provide the service of industrial audit Based on these levels.